Who Is Carie Bailey?
I know intimately what it feels like to have a childhood so dark and painful that I wished I was never born . . . wishing for the floor I was laying on to open up and swallow me.
While smiling to please others and hide my pain, emotionally I retreated inward creating an entire inner world I believed was the only thing I had that couldn't be taken away or harmed.
Until, in adulthood, I learned what it felt like to want to crawl out of my own skin after being violated by someone I thought I could trust.
I again experienced a longing for life to end . . . for the pain to stop.
I believed in "Happily Ever After", and thought happiness would come from marriage and motherhood.
I finally had the life of my dreams with the handsome and kind husband, the beautiful and healthy children, the custom house, dream job . . . yet . . . the only emotion I could feel was deep loneliness.

Connecting To The Light
Through The Darkness
I believed that the more distance I created from my upbringing or other challenging times, the "stronger" or more "over it" I was.
The truth was, however, that this only resulted in a life numbed out, and unable to feel the one thing I craved my entire life . . . LOVE.
It was not until I was willing to turn inwards to lean into the fire of my emotional pain and mine through it that I discovered priceless wisdom, true personal liberation, and deep compassion.
In my exploration, I also discovered that in these moments when my human heart was shattering, and my body was aching, there was a part of me that somehow seemed unbreakable . . . that knew exactly what I needed to do if I was still enough to hear it.
It was a calm in the storm . . . an inner knowing . . . a light that even if dim could penetrate the intense darkness that grew inside of me each time I was abused.

Pain to Purpose

I passionately believe in the intrinsic Divine worth of every soul, and our ability to transmute pain, suffering, and darkness into liberation, expansion, and the purest essence of love and light.
I have dedicated my life to discovering how we each can activate our ability to do this for ourselves and others so we can create an intentional ripple effect . . . starting with those closest to us.​
I have invested over 24 years in studying relationships, psychology, trauma, resiliency, spirituality, and integrative health and wellness.
I have had the sacred honor of being invited into the deepest internal spaces of people from all over the world, and have been truly blessed to witness these private heroic journeys.
Although I have a Master’s Degree and license in Marriage and Family Therapy along with other specializations, I have chosen to no longer work in the mental health system.
In understanding our Divine Identity, I have discovered our inherent capacity to not just heal from our challenges, but to use them as the catalyst to rise to a capacity beyond what would have been possible without the painful experiences.
As a Co-Founder of VIDÄ’RA, I also support the rising leadership within developing countries globally.

Called To This Journey
With You Now
I Have Been Divinely Prepared And
Called Forward
At This Moment In History To:
Support those of you who are committed to creating intentional multi-generational and/or global impact
To reconnect with your Divine nature and gifts through your intimate relationships.
If you are entering into my world . . .
Welcome to the tipping point of all transformational processes.
You will experience a quantum leap in
personal and relational expansion and co-creative abilities that will
ripple into every aspect of your life.
This journey is for you ONLY IF you are . . .
Courageous enough to explore the depths of your human experience, and you are . . .
Committed enough to transcend your default human condition to
reclaim your Divinity.
This is the noblest service we can offer to
those we love, and humanity.

My Why
Right now the youth of our time are attacked on all sides, and
Millions of babies, children, and teens are being
betrayed, abused, neglected, violated, rented out or sold
by those they should be able to trust, and
they don’t know where to turn for help.
They no longer trust us adults to be able to help them because
We Have The Power To Change This
It Is Our Sacred Responsibility
To Those Who Feel Forgotten:
You are not forgotten.
There is a power greater than us all who is ever mindful of you.
You were created with the capacity to overcome and rise above anything you will experience here.
Never stop believing in your inherent worthiness.
The light inside of you is stronger than the darkness that may seek to overtake you.
I promise you . . . you absolutely can feel WHOLE AGAIN.
You can rise above the pain, and emerge with the capacity to heal the world
from what you experienced.
You are a precious soul with IMMESUARABLE DIVINE WORTH.
This can never be taken from you because . . .
This Is Who You Truly Are.
I too am mindful of you.
I will NEVER STOP working to provide a way for EVERY SINGLE SOUL
Who chooses it to have access to this level of healing and REMEMBERING, and until
the violation, neglect, and abuse of innocence are healed from our world.
I know that I am not alone in this pursuit.
There is a sacred army gathering who will succeed.